For Sale
Tallahassee, Florida 32311
For Sale
2.36 acres
569' x 263' x 243' x 434'
Buyer Broker
Enjoy waterfront serenity just a few miles from all the conveniences of Capital Circle! This flat, partially cleared, picture-perfect lot that boasts luxurious evergreens, and breathtaking views of a pond accented with charming lilypads. This lot has ideal dimensions, with none of the 4 sides measuring less than 240 feet. Build the home of your dreams on this private, quiet lot that epitomizes exclusion and nature. Lot is accessible to electric service and surveyed.
Tallahassee, Florida 32311
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* Brokerage commissions are not set by law and are fully negotiable. They are payable, if contractually obligated, to the buyer’s Broker upon closing.